Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Our Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Departments at Medicana Health Group are committed to assisting patients in regaining their strength, mobility, and independence following an illness or injury. Physical therapists, occupational therapists, and rehabilitation specialists make up our team of professionals. They are highly skilled in the most recent methods and tools that can aid patients in recovering as soon and thoroughly as possible.


Medical Second Opinion
✓ Valid

I have read the information from the General Data Protection Regulation. I accept that my data is processed within the specified scope and that I can be contacted by Medicana Health Group and Medicana Group Companies for health services and personal communication.

Medicana Hospital Business Inc. and Medicana Samsun Private Healthcare Services Inc.'s controlling and affiliated companies ("Medicana Health Group") can provide all kinds of information, questionnaires, publicity, opening, invitations. and activity etc. I agree to send Commercial Electronic Messages (call, sms, e-mail, etc.) to me within the scope of reminders and other communication activities.


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