Medicana Cesme

Medicana Health Group, one of the pioneers of the Turkish private health sector, continues to grow with health. Medicana Health Group, where more than 4 million patients are treated annually with its 14 hospitals in Turkey and its significant investments in the health sector, will bring a brand new health understanding to the region and tourism with its new health center located in Çeşme, in the center of tourism.

As Medicana Health Group, after Medicana International İzmir Hospital, by creating a health ecosystem for the Aegean Region with Medicana Çeşme; We aimed to add value to the region with our corporate values, expertise and competence blended with experience.

We are at your service for the health of the region with its unique architecture and friendly service approach, designed in accordance with the texture of Çeşme, taking into account the comfort of patients and their relatives. Those living in Çeşme and its nearby geography, and local and foreign guests who prefer this region for their vacation, will experience the confidence and comfort of receiving quality service from a national health brand.

With our Medicana International İzmir Hospital, we will carry the holistic health service we offer to Çeşme and its surroundings with a qualified and expert perspective. Medicana Çeşme, built with the basic quality understanding of Medicana Health Group, besides multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment methods; It is at your service to add health to Çeşme's health with its patient safety, maximum comfortable patient rooms, polyclinic areas, diagnosis and diagnosis units.

Medicana Çeşme, which has a closed area of 3,500 square meters, was designed with the basic quality understanding of Medicana Health Group. The center, patient rooms, waiting and outpatient clinic areas, diagnosis and diagnosis units, where multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment methods are offered with patient safety, maximum comfort and quality, were designed based on the expectations of patients and their relatives.



Child Health and Diseases

General Surgery

Gynecology and Obstetrics

Orthopedics and Traumatology

Ear Nose Throat


Internal diseases

Chest Diseases

Tramvay ile Üçkuyular (Fahrettin Altay) meydanına ulaşıp oradan kısa bir yürüyüş ile İzmir Kent Ormanının bitişiğinde bulunan otobüs terminalinden Çeşme Turizm Otobüsleri ile Medicana Çeşme’ye ulaşım sağlanabilir.

Otogardan Çeşme seyahate ait otobüslere aktarma yapılarak, en hızlı yoldan Medicana Çeşme’ye ulaşmak mümkündür.

Havalimanından hareket eden HAVAŞ otobüsleri ile Çeşme'ye giden servisler kullanılarak Medicana Çeşme’ye ulaşmak mümkündür.

Basmane garından metro ile Üçkuyulara ve oradan yürüyerek İzmir Kent Ormanının bitişiğinde bulunan otobüs terminalinden Çeşme Turizm Otobüsleri ile Medicana Çeşme’ye ulaşım sağlanabilir.



Medical Second Opinion (MSO) Form
✓ Valid

I have read the information from the General Data Protection Regulation. I accept that my data is processed within the specified scope and that I can be contacted by Medicana Health Group and Medicana Group Companies for health services and personal communication.

Medicana Hospital Business Inc. and Medicana Samsun Private Healthcare Services Inc.'s controlling and affiliated companies ("Medicana Health Group") can provide all kinds of information, questionnaires, publicity, opening, invitations. and activity etc. I agree to send Commercial Electronic Messages (call, sms, e-mail, etc.) to me within the scope of reminders and other communication activities.


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