Medical School
Uludağ University Medical Faculty 1989

Post-Graduate Training
Uludağ Un. Medical Faculty DEpartment of Internal Medicine – Rheumatology Unit, 1998

Professional Experience
Hakkari İli Şemdinli Merkez Sağlık Ocağı- Aile Hekimi, 1989-1990
Uludağ University Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine Specialty Education, 1990-1995
Rotation in renal transplantation and hemodialysis for 2 years (with concomitant rheumatology outpatient clinic since 1993).
Uludağ University Medical Faculty Department of Internal Medicine, Rheumatology Unit – specialty education. Rotation in Atatürk Rehabilitation Center – Kükürtlü Thermal Spring: Methods for the use of thermal water (balneotherapy) and device-assisted methods (TENS, short wave diathermia, infrared, hot pack, etc.) and non-device methods (exercise, massage, etc.) for treatment of rheumatoid diseases. Participation in the coordination and conduction of studies on rheumatoid diseases and treatment methods, 1995-2000
Şevket Yılmaz SSK Hospital. (Yüksek İhtisas Education & Research Hospital), 2001-2011
Burtom Biyofiz Karaman A-Type Medical Center- Rheumatology Clinic, 2011-2021

Medical Interests
Rheumatoid arthritis
Ankylosing spondylitis.
Psoriatic Rheumatoid
Behçet’s Disease
All rheumatismal diseases, primarily osteoarthritis

Special Experience

  • Injection of therapeutic intra-articular injection of anti-rheumatoid medications and hyaluronic acid with recent onset of the use of ultrasound devices in rheumatoid diseases' diagnosis and treatment, especially in shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, knee, ankles, and digit joints and centesis of intra-articular fluid.
  • Tendon sheath (tenosynovitis) and Carpal tunnel syndrome injections.

Medical Second Opinion
✓ Valid

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