Plastic Surgery

Welcome to Medicana Health Group's top-notch plastic surgery facilities. Our hospitals are outfitted with the most up-to-date technology, and our plastic surgeons, who have years of experience and are experts in their field, are committed to giving our patients the best possible treatment.

In addition to reconstructive surgery for injuries including burns, birth defects, and trauma, Medicana provides a comprehensive spectrum of plastic surgery services, including cosmetic procedures for the face, body, and breasts. With thorough training in the most recent surgical procedures and technologies, our plastic surgeons are leaders in their industry.

We want to make the procedure as easy and stress-free as we can because we recognize that having plastic surgery may be a significant decision. Each patient receives individualized treatment and support throughout their experience with us thanks to our patient-centered approach to care.

The Medicana Health Group in Turkey provides a singular blend of top-notch medical care and a warm, culturally diverse location for foreign patients, visitors, and expats. Due to the fact that our hospitals are situated in some of Turkey's most picturesque places, it is simple for patients to combine their medical requirements with a restful and rejuvenating vacation.

The plastic surgery departments in the hospitals run by Medicana Health Group provide a wide range of services to assist people improve their physical appearance, self-confidence, and quality of life. Some of the services are as follows:

1. Facial Surgery

A wide range of operations aiming at improving and repairing the appearance and function of the face are included in the field of facial surgery. The Medicana Health Group's plastic surgery division provides the following common facial surgery procedures:

  • Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery): Rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as nose surgery, is an operation that improves the proportion and look of the nose. The plastic surgeons at Medicana employ the most up-to-date methods and tools to produce outcomes that are both natural-looking and enhance the nose's overall balance, size, and shape. Additionally, this technique can aid in resolving nose-related respiratory issues.
  • Facelift: A facelift, sometimes referred to as a rhytidectomy, is a surgical operation that can assist in minimizing facial and neck aging indications. The plastic surgeons at Medicana use cutting-edge methods to give patients a more young, revitalized appearance while maintaining their natural features. Through this technique, loose skin can be tightened, fine lines and wrinkles can be diminished, and a more youthful facial contour can be restored.
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery): Blepharoplasty, sometimes referred to as eyelid surgery, is a technique that can improve the appearance of the eyes and upper face. The upper or lower eyelids can be treated by the plastic surgeons at Medicana to remove extra skin, fat, and muscle, which can make you look younger and more refreshed.
  • Ear Surgery (Otoplasty): Ear surgery, sometimes referred to as otoplasty, is a procedure that can make the ears look better. Large or prominent ears, malformed ears, and ears that protrude too far from the skull can all be treated by the plastic surgeons at Medicana. Additionally, this surgery may aid in enhancing the face's overall proportion and balance.
  • Brow Lift: A brow lift, sometimes referred to as a forehead lift, is a technique that can help lessen the aging effects on the eyebrows and forehead. The Medicana plastic surgeons can elevate drooping brows and reduce forehead wrinkles and fine lines to help patients regain a more youthful, refreshed appearance.
  • Chin Augmentation: By giving the chin more volume, this operation helps balance and proportionately enhance the face. The Medicana plastic doctors utilize implants or other methods to develop a more defined, aesthetically acceptable chin, which helps to improve the face's overall appearance.
  • Neck Lift: A neck lift is a technique that can help lessen drooping skin, wrinkles, and fat deposits on the neck, which are indications of age. The skin and muscles of the neck can be lifted and tightened using a variety of techniques by the plastic surgeons at Medicana, restoring a more young, refreshed appearance.

2. Breast Surgery

The treatment and rectification of different problems relating to the breasts, including size, shape, and appearance, is the focus of the specialist discipline of plastic surgery known as breast surgery. The following breast surgery procedures are provided by the plastic surgery departments of Medicana Health Group:

  • Breast augmentation: Also known as augmentation mammoplasty, this operation uses silicone or saline implants to enlarge the breasts. Additionally, it can replenish any volume that may have been lost following a pregnancy or weight reduction.
  • Breast Lift: Also known as a mastopexy, this operation lifts and firms the breasts that may have sagged as a result of pregnancy, aging, or weight fluctuations. To achieve a youthful and perky appearance, the treatment entails removing extra skin, relocating the nipples, and contouring the breasts. Breast reduction, sometimes referred to as reduction mammoplasty, is a technique used to lessen the size of the breasts that may cause back pain and physical discomfort. To achieve a more proportional bust line, the operation entails removing extra skin, fat, and glandular tissue.
  • Breast reconstruction: Following a mastectomy, the breast is repaired with this method. It can be carried out right away following the mastectomy or years later, and it can make use of breast implants or tissue from other body parts.
  • Mommy Makeover: This surgery combines breast and body operations to improve a woman's look after pregnancy and breastfeeding. It may involve liposuction, belly tucks, breast lifts, and augmentation of the breasts.
  • Gynecomastia correction, also referred to as a male breast reduction, is a technique designed to diminish the size of overdeveloped male breasts. To create a more masculine chest, the operation entails removing extra skin, fat, and glandular tissue.
  • Nipple Correction: This method is used to treat nipples that are swollen, inverted, or otherwise unattractive. To achieve a more visually acceptable appearance, the operation may involve moving the nipples or shrinking them.

3. Body Contouring Surgery

The term "body contouring surgery" describes a range of operations intended to reshape and tone the body. The removal of extra skin and fat through these procedures gives the body a more toned, sculpted appearance. Body contouring procedures are typically carried out when the muscles and skin have lost their elasticity due to aging, pregnancy, or severe weight loss.

The most popular body contouring techniques provided by Medicana Health Group's plastic surgery departments are as follows:

a. Liposuction

Liposuction is a surgical treatment used to remove extra fat from specific body parts, including the arms, neck, back, hips, and thighs. A cannula, which is hollow and made of stainless steel, is introduced during the process through tiny skin incisions. The extra fat is then broken up and removed with the help of the cannula, leaving behind a smaller, more contoured appearance.

Tumescent liposuction, ultrasound-assisted liposuction, and power-assisted liposuction are just a few of the several liposuction methods available. The demands and objectives of each patient, as well as the surgeon's choice and experience, will determine the best approach.

Depending on the size of the treatment and the patient's comfort level, liposuction can be carried out under general anesthesia or local anaesthetic combined with sedation. Most patients are able to resume their regular activities a week or two after surgery, which usually takes one to two hours to perform.

The fact that liposuction is not a weight loss surgery and should not be utilized in place of a healthy diet and regular exercise should not be overlooked. Those who are at or close to their optimal body weight but have pockets of stubborn fat that do not respond to diet and exercise are the greatest candidates for liposuction. Furthermore, liposuction should not be utilized to cure stretch marks or cellulite because it has no effect on any of these disorders.

However, liposuction can dramatically improve body contour when carried out by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon, which will boost one's self-confidence and self-esteem. To find out if you are a good candidate for liposuction and to discuss your goals, it is crucial to have a consultation with a plastic surgeon if you are considering the operation.

b. Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The goal of a tummy tuck, sometimes referred to as an abdominoplasty, is to tighten the underlying abdominal muscles for a more toned and smoother appearance while removing extra skin and fat from the abdominal region. When the abdomen region may have loose skin or stretch marks due to severe weight loss, pregnancy, or aging, this operation is frequently carried out.

An incision will be made from hip to hip down the lower abdomen during the surgery. The cut is situated so that it will be concealed by clothing or swimwear. In order to access the abdominal muscles underneath, the skin is then raised and sutures are used to tighten the muscles. After removing extra skin and fat, the remaining skin is stitched together.

Tummy tuck recovery times vary, but patients can typically resume normal activities in two to three weeks. To achieve the best results, it's crucial to adhere to all post-operative care instructions, which may include wearing a compression garment and refraining from intense activity for a predetermined amount of time.

The effects of a tummy tuck can be spectacular and long-lasting, giving the abdomen a smoother, more toned appearance. It can significantly increase self-esteem and confidence. To find out if you are a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck treatment and to talk over any questions or concerns you might have, it is crucial to schedule a consultation with a licensed and competent cosmetic surgeon.

c. Body Lift

An operation called a body lift is used to tighten and restructure the skin and underlying tissue on the thighs, hips, and abdomen. Usually, those who have lost a lot of weight or who have saggy skin from aging or other causes are advised to have this operation.

Usually, there are multiple steps involved in the Body Lift process. To access the underlying tissue, the surgeon will first make incisions strategically placed throughout the body. The skin will then be tightened and repositioned once any extra skin and fat have been removed. In some circumstances, the surgeon may additionally employ liposuction to further sculpt the body and eliminate any stubborn fat pockets that may still be present.

After the body has been reshaped, the incisions are stitched shut, and the patient is dressed in a compression garment to help with swelling and support the altered body shape. Typically, a Body Lift recovery period lasts for a few weeks. During this time, patients are advised to rest and recover rather than engage in any severe physical activity.

It is crucial to remember that Body Lift is a serious process that entails risks similar to those of other surgical procedures, such as bleeding, infection, and negative anesthetic reactions. However, the outcomes of Body Lift can be very satisfying for those who are looking for a way to regain their confidence and their ideal body form.

d. Thigh Lift

A surgical operation called a thigh lift, commonly referred to as a thighplasty, helps to improve the appearance of the thighs by removing extra skin and fat. It is frequently carried out on people whose skin has sagged and lost suppleness due to severe weight loss or aging. Depending on the individual's particular demands and objectives, the operation may target either the inner or outer thighs, or even both. Depending on the amount of skin to be removed and the desired outcomes, different incisions are created during the surgery, however they are normally disguised in natural creases to reduce scars.

The thigh lift method is highly adaptable and may be customized to the unique goals and body types of each patient. In order to achieve a smoother, more toned appearance, the surgeon will carefully remove extra skin and fat throughout the treatment and tighten the remaining skin. In some circumstances, extra fat deposits in the thighs can be eliminated via liposuction.

As long as the patient maintains a constant weight and avoids future substantial swings, the effects of a thigh lift are often long-lasting. After the treatment, patients can usually resume their regular activities within a few weeks, though it may take several months for the incisions to completely heal and for the swelling to go down.

e. Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

A cosmetic treatment called an arm lift, commonly referred to as a brachioplasty, is used to treat drooping skin on the upper arms. People who have lost a large amount of weight or aged-related skin elasticity generally undergo this operation. In order to provide a more youthful appearance, extra skin is removed during the operation, and the remaining skin is tightened. The purpose of an arm lift is to give the upper arms a smoother, tighter, and more toned appearance.

Under general anesthesia, the process often lasts several hours. To allow for concealment by clothing, the incisions are done on the inside or rear of the arms. The patient must put on a compression garment after surgery to aid in the healing process and lessen swelling.

Recovery times range, but generally take two to three weeks. The patient is instructed to keep the incisions clean and dry during this period and to refrain from intense activities like heavy lifting. The patient can resume normal activities after a few weeks, and their arms look significantly better.

An arm lift can be the best option for you if you want to restore the appearance of your upper arms. The top-notch arm lift operations offered by Medicana Health Group's plastic surgery departments are carried out by qualified and experienced plastic surgeons.

f. Buttock Lift

Butt Lift, commonly referred to as a buttock lift, is a cosmetic treatment used to contour and enhance the buttocks' look. It can address a number of issues, including asymmetry, volume loss, and sagging skin. People who have lost a large amount of weight, as well as those whose skin has lost elasticity owing to aging or other circumstances, frequently undergo this operation.

Making skin incisions to remove extra skin and fat from the buttocks during surgery. The remaining skin is then tightened and realigned to provide the appearance of a raised, more youthful appearance. The buttocks may occasionally receive extra fat injections to increase volume and provide a fuller, more rounded appearance.

Depending on the individual and the degree of the correction required, a Buttock Lift may be performed using a variety of techniques. In order to decide on the best course of action for the treatment, the plastic surgeon will evaluate the patient's skin quality, muscle tone, and the quantity of excess skin present during the consultation.

It normally takes several weeks for patients to recover from a buttock lift, during which time they can endure some pain, edema, and bruising. To guarantee appropriate recovery and the best outcomes, it's crucial to adhere to the plastic surgeon's postoperative advice.

People who are generally in good health, have reasonable expectations, and want to improve the look of their buttocks may be good candidates for a buttock lift. The surgery can give the buttocks a more appealing and youthful contour, boost confidence, and improve overall attractiveness.

g. Medial Thigh Lift

A surgical operation called a medial thigh lift, often referred to as an inner thigh lift, is performed to remove extra skin and fat from the inner thigh region. People who have lost a substantial amount of weight and have drooping skin are frequently advised to have the treatment, as do those who want to get a more toned and contoured look in their thigh region.

Making an incision in the groin or inner thigh area and removing the extra skin and fat are standard steps in the treatment. The leftover skin is then pulled taut and stitched back into position, giving the area a smoother, younger appearance. When combined with a thigh lift, liposuction can help to further contour and shape the area.

Bruising, swelling, and stiffness in the area are common throughout the recovery process after a medial thigh lift. In order to help the healing process and reduce swelling, patients may need to wear compression clothing for several weeks. Most people can go back to work and other regular activities in 2 to 4 weeks after surgery, but more demanding tasks should be avoided for a few weeks.

In general, a medial thigh lift can provide people a more contoured, toned appearance in the inner thigh area and can increase their confidence and self-esteem. To decide if the operation is the best option for you, it is crucial to go over the potential risks and advantages with a licensed plastic surgeon.

h. Mommy Makeover

In order to assist a woman's body get back to its pre-pregnancy shape, a cosmetic surgery technique called a "Mommy Makeover" combines various surgical procedures. Depending on the patient's wants and goals, the specific operations that make up a Mommy Makeover may vary, but they often combine breast surgery, such as a breast lift or augmentation, with body contouring procedures, such as a stomach tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, or body lift.

A Mommy Makeover aims to give women back their self-esteem and improve their body image after childbirth, which frequently leaves women with physical changes like sagging breasts, loose skin, and stubborn pockets of fat. This procedure can improve the proportion and symmetry of the body as a whole, restore a more youthful appearance, and produce a flatter, toned abdomen.

According to the amount of procedures involved, Mommy Makeover surgeries are typically carried out under general anesthesia and can last several hours. Patients can anticipate some discomfort, edema, and bruising following surgery, but these side effects should go away within a few days or weeks. Depending on the exact procedures involved, recovery times can also differ, but many women are able to resume their regular daily activities and routines within a few weeks.

While Mommy Makeover can assist women in regaining their pre-pregnancy bodies, it should be noted that these activities should not be used in place of a balanced diet and regular exercise. Patients should have reasonable expectations for their surgery's outcomes and be in good general health. To find out if a Mommy Makeover is the correct choice for you, it's crucial to explore your options and goals with a licensed cosmetic surgeon.

4. Skin Rejuvenation

A range of cosmetic procedures known as skin rejuvenation work to enhance the appearance of the skin. The procedures function by promoting the creation of collagen, enhancing skin texture, lessening the visibility of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, and enhancing skin moisture. The following are some of the most popular skin rejuvenation procedures:

  • Botox: Botox is a well-known non-surgical method for minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Botox temporarily relaxes the muscles that produce wrinkles, giving the skin a smoother, younger appearance. Botox procedures take little to no time, and they are rapid.
  • Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are used to restore a more youthful appearance by adding volume to the face. Fillers can be used to enhance facial contours, smooth out wrinkles, and fill up the lips. Hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxylapatite, and poly-L-lactic acid are only a few of the available fillers; each has special qualities of its own.
  • Laser Resurfacing: Using high-energy light to remove the skin's outer layers and promote collagen synthesis, laser resurfacing is a minimally invasive procedure. Skin that is smoother, clearer, and younger-looking as a result. There are various distinct kinds of laser resurfacing, each having advantages and cons of its own, such as fractional laser resurfacing and carbon dioxide laser resurfacing.
  • Chemical Peels: A chemical solution is used in chemical peels, a form of exfoliation procedure, to remove the skin's outer layers. Underneath, the skin seems smoother, lighter, and more young. Sun damage, fine wrinkles, and acne are just a few of the skin issues that can be treated with chemical peels.
  • Microdermabrasion: This non-invasive procedure removes the topmost layer of dead skin cells by using a mild abrasive instrument. Smoother, brighter, and younger-looking skin is revealed as a result. In order to cure fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage, microdermabrasion is frequently employed.
  • IPL photorejuvenation: IPL photorejuvenation uses strong pulsed light as a non-invasive procedure to enhance skin look. Sun damage, age spots, and broken capillaries are just a few of the skin issues that can be treated with IPL photorejuvenation. High-energy light is used in the procedure to increase the skin's creation of collagen and enhance the skin's overall appearance.
  • Radiofrequency (RF) Skin Tightening: This non-invasive procedure employs radiofrequency energy to firm and tighten the skin. RF skin tightening is frequently used to treat wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. The procedure stimulates collagen synthesis and enhances the skin's overall appearance by transferring energy to the deeper layers of the skin.

The finest skin rejuvenation procedure for you will rely on your specific skin concerns and objectives. All of these procedures are secure and efficient.

5. Non-Invasive Procedures

Non-invasive cosmetic procedures are those that don't involve making cuts or incisions in the skin. They are made to improve the skin's look and renew it without surgery. These procedures enhance the appearance of the skin and produce the desired effects using cutting-edge technology and methods. In the plastic surgery clinics at Medicana Health Group hospitals, common minimally invasive procedures include:

  • Botox injections: This popular non-invasive technique temporarily relaxes the muscles that generate wrinkles and fine lines on the face by injecting a particular toxin into them.
  • Dermal fillers: These are injectable compounds that restore volume and youth to the skin by filling in hollows, fine lines, and wrinkles on the face.
  • Chemical peels: In this process, the top layers of the skin are removed using chemical solutions, revealing skin that is smoother, clearer, and more youthful-looking.
  • Microdermabrasion: This non-invasive exfoliating procedure removes the outermost layers of dead skin cells by using small crystals, leaving the skin looking smoother and more radiant.
  • Radiofrequency (RF) treatments: Using heat to stimulate collagen formation in the skin, RF treatments can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while also enhancing skin texture and tone.
  • Laser resurfacing: This procedure employs laser technology to remove the skin's outer layers and stimulate the production of new skin cells, giving the complexion a smoother, more youthful appearance.
  • LED light treatment: LED light therapy reduces the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other aging indicators by penetrating the skin and boosting collagen formation.

6. Reconstructive Surgery

Reconstructive surgery is a subset of plastic surgery that tries to restore the appearance and functionality of a bodily component that has been lost, altered, or damaged as a result of disease, trauma, infection, or congenital flaws. Reconstructive surgery has a more utilitarian and therapeutic aim than aesthetic surgery, which is done to enhance look.

Repairing a birth defect is a simple reconstructive surgery method. Microsurgical reconstruction is a complicated reconstructive surgery procedure. The following are some typical reconstructive techniques in the realm of plastic surgery:

  • Cleft Lip and Palate Repair: Cleft lips and palates are birth abnormalities that happen when the fusing of the lips and/or the roof of the mouth during fetal development is improper. The goal of cleft lip and palate repair surgery is to return the afflicted area's appearance and functionality to normal.
  • Craniofacial surgery: Reconstructing the skull and face to treat congenital, developmental, and acquired disorders, craniofacial surgery is a difficult specialty. Repositioning bones, fixing cranial deformities, and bringing the face's symmetry and balance back are all possible outcomes of this kind of surgery.
  • Hand Surgery: A subspecialty of reconstructive surgery, hand surgery addresses the treatment of hand disorders and injuries that result in loss of function or deformity. Procedures including tendon repair, nerve repair, and joint rebuilding can fall under this category.
  • Scar Revision: Scar revision is a surgical technique used to reduce or eliminate scars that have developed as a result of trauma, surgery, or other conditions. Repositioning the scar, eliminating it and repairing the tissue, or covering the scar with skin grafts or flaps are all examples of scar revision procedures.
  • Breast Reconstruction: Following a mastectomy or other breast-related surgeries, breast reconstruction is a surgical technique that seeks to restore the appearance and form of the breast. Several methods, such as breast implants, tissue flaps, and autologous fat transfer, can be used to accomplish this.
  • Tissue Expansion: Using a tissue expander to stretch the skin and grow new skin to cover a wound or deformity is a reconstructive surgery method known as tissue expansion. Breast, face, and extremity reconstruction frequently employ tissue expansion.
  • Microsurgical Reconstruction: Microsurgical reconstruction is a highly specialized area that uses microsurgical methods to fix tissues, blood vessels, and nerves that have been injured. The face, hands, and limbs are just a few examples of regions where this kind of reconstruction might be employed to restore function and aesthetics.

In conclusion, reconstructive surgery is a very complex and specialized profession that calls for a surgeon with a high level of training and experience. Our team of skilled plastic surgeons at Medicana Health Group has performed successful reconstructive surgery procedures for many years, giving patients the best results and quality of life. Medicana is a great option for people looking for reconstructive surgery in Turkey because of its cutting-edge facilities, cutting-edge technologies, and dedication to patient-centered care.

7. Hair Transplantation

When someone has baldness, thinning, or patchy hair, hair restoration refers to a set of surgical and non-surgical techniques intended to promote hair growth and reverse hair loss. Through hair restoration methods, people can get fuller, thicker, and younger-looking hair. The following are some of the treatments that are frequently used for hair restoration:

Hospitals affiliated with Medicana Health Group frequently perform the common and highly effective operation of hair transplantation. The highly qualified and experienced medical staff at Medicana have years of experience and are able to carry out hair transplant surgeries successfully and provide patients with results that seem natural. Hair follicles are moved from one area of the scalp to another where hair is thinning or balding during the procedure. Depending on the size of the transplant, the process is typically carried out under local anaesthetic and can last for a number of hours. Usually, the transplanted hair starts growing in 3–4 months and keeps growing for the rest of the patient's life. The effects of a hair transplant treatment can be long-lasting with proper maintenance and provide patients a fuller, younger-looking head of hair.

The following are some of the standard hair transplant procedures:

  • Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT): FUT is a strip harvesting technique in which a strip of hair is removed from the donor area, divided into individual follicular units, and then transplanted to the recipient area.
  • Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE): FUE is a technique that entails transplanting individual follicular units from the donor area to the recipient area one at a time.
  • Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) is a method of hair transplantation that avoids the need for incisions or stitches by implanting individual hair follicles right into the recipient area.
  • Beard and Mustache Transplant: This surgery helps the beard and mustache regrow hair.
  • Eyebrow transplant: This technique helps the area around the eyebrows grow hair again.
  • Body Hair Transplantation (BHT): BHT is a type of hair transplantation that involves using hair from other places of the body, such as the legs, back, or chest, to stimulate hair growth in the scalp.
  • Scar Revision: Using this process, scars from prior hair transplant surgeries or other forms of surgery can be made to seem better.

It's crucial to keep in mind that hair transplantation is a highly customized process, and outcomes may vary. To guarantee the greatest results, selecting a trained and experienced surgeon is crucial.

Why Choose Us?

Modern hair transplantation services are made available to foreign patients, travelers, and expatriates in Turkey by Medicana Health Group. Medicana is the ideal option for anyone looking to recover their hair thanks to a staff of highly qualified and experienced specialists and cutting-edge technologies. Our patients can anticipate a natural-looking outcome from the successful hair transplantation surgeries that our institutions have been executing for many years.

Our staff is committed to giving each patient individualized care and attention, and our facilities offer a cozy and secure atmosphere for hair transplantation. Additionally, Medicana has affordable hair transplantation costs, making it a viable alternative for people looking to boost their confidence and looks.

We strongly advise scheduling a consultation with one of our skilled cosmetic surgeons if you are thinking about having plastic surgery. We'll be pleased to address any queries you may have and assist you in selecting the most appropriate course of action for your particular requirements.

To arrange a consultation or find out more about our plastic surgery services, get in touch with us right away. Email: [email protected]; phone: +90 850 4601010. We look forward to assisting you in realizing your objectives and enhancing your inherent attractiveness.


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