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Complaints Policy

1- The Patient Rights Department contributes to the development of our hospital with the suggestions and opinions you provide. The Patient Rights Department and all relevant top-level managers aim to find solutions by considering your complaints and negative thoughts.

2- You can submit your complaints, requests, and suggestions to our Patient Rights Department through face-to-face meetings, telephone, e-mail, website, survey/letter.

3- Additionally, you can express your views and complaints about our services by filling out the satisfaction survey form in patient rooms and at the information desk.

4- Your complaints and suggestions are recorded and evaluated with the relevant department managers, and improvements are made to increase the quality of our services by your requests.

5- The Patient Rights Department will report the results of your complaints within the specified time frame.

6- Our hospital forwards complaints that cannot be resolved due to laws, regulations, and directives to a higher authority for investigation.

7- To share your opinions online, visit our website's "Suggestions & Complaints" section under "Patients and Visitors. " We appreciate your feedback, which will help us improve our service quality.
